Our corner of Dakers is under sustained assualt, comrades. The entry point warehouse, where several comrades were meeting Level 1 recruits, has been overwhelmed by 11 zombies. It is likely that counter-revolutionary spies are aiding the dead - clearly the dead hand of capitalism is directly the campaign against us.
http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1883125 - is a possible spy. Have you seen other questionable characters in our heartland?
1) If you have been slain, use you APs to attack zombies - then await revive at the FUACK junkyard RP.
2) If you are alive focus on defending the Party offices and the Pask NT.
The white heat of struggle will forge a stronger, sharper vanguard party.
I suspect Neo-Nazi spy. Will ask the wiki's "expert" (hah) on the subject.
ReplyDeletePask has fallen. Fall back to the office, comrades.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1881154 another possible counter-revolutionary.
ReplyDeleteI suspected as much, there were several Level 1 persons at the safe house. Also, they did not take the time to declare abject and total allegiance to the CPM. Jonah knows that I am a true believer in The Revolution!
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest, unless one does join the Party, we target them? (When in the same building.) This event also speaks to the need of a secure messaging system.
For now I am safe and learning, I will not share any strategy. But know this; I am a dedicated Communist! Nay, and more, the Communist Party of Malton is the only hope for total liberation!
Steven Macleod PKed me 4 days ago inside Party HQ
ReplyDeleteIf you get pk'ed copy their character URL, so we can make a list on our wiki page. Party offices have been taken too. Time to retake and rebuild.
ReplyDeleteJust killed the last zed in Hardwick - and closed the door - if any comrades see this post please repair and rebuild barricades as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteA bit off the current topic but I read on wiki that someone had suggested a combined forum for all left wing groups. I think this is a really good idea, any other thoughts?
ReplyDeleteIt might make a forum more sustainable, as well as being a good place for politcal discussion. Plus it would be a step toward our eventual aim of organisational unity with the rest of the Malton revolutionaires. Are you up for organising it, Burning?
ReplyDeleteThe poll would suggest that quite a few of us would like to engage in a forum of some kind.
Exactly what I suggested earlier, Burning :D. Blog + forum seems to be prefered by a majority.
ReplyDeleteRight, so I created the forum ( which I will post up later) however I was searching around wiki for left wing groups and although I have seen the likes of Fuack in-game. There forums and wiki are idle and so I don't know if there is any other way of contacting them except from in game speech to discuss this combined forum. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteWWSIS aren't many, but they'll notice if we notify them on their wiki. There are admitedly not that many organized leftists in Malton.
ReplyDeleteRight, I spoke to Zyckde and he told me that WWSIS were not much of a group any longer, however he would be up for joint the forum and supporting our idea.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyone who would like to help me create the forum, I have set up the board. So it would just be any coding and categories, forums thatyou wouldbe helping with.
I'm up for it. Not a coding expert to say the least, but I'm otherwise fairly able. ^^
ReplyDeleteRightio, if you sign up I'll add you as an admin. Also everyone else is free to sign up just now, although they won't be able to see much.