Sunday, April 24, 2011

Comrades, come rally!

Despite unrelenting pressure from nazi zergers, the party continues to grow - now with 19 comrades.

Party cadres are currently reorganising and rearming in Yagoton, and will be returning to Dakers in force this week. We may be bloodied, comrades, but we remain unbowed. To our fellow-toilers across Malton's working class surburbs we send out a message of hope and solidarity. We also urge all progressives to head to Dakers, and to visit the leftist forum - Workers of Malton Unite!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Workers of Malton Unite

Following our poll, which showed significant numbers of comrades wanting a forum, the CPM has created a new forum. However we hope that this forum will be greater than the CPM, and exist for all socialists and all survivors in Dakers. We hope that this forum will belong as much to FUACK and the Urban Guerillas as the CPM. As much to Golda Herzog and Bob Avakian as Burning the Fire and Anton Nilson.

As the forum develops we hope that independents and leftists from other groups will become administrators.

Find the forum at:

Fight for the future, comrades - register now!